Sunday, January 3, 2010

Past the 3 month mark...

Hello seekers. I apologize for not posting anything new the past month for I was quite busy. There were family conflicts over my discontinuation of college and leaving my relatives behind, as well as getting everything together before I leave. Though I said I would publish a full list of items that accompany me on my first leg after its completion, I’ll give those non-bicycle tourists a glimpse into my new limited number of possessions.

Trip List

• Bicycle (1984 Schwinn Mesa Runner, *picture below is another bike*)

• Panniers (bike bags to carry the majority of my items in) and handlebar bag
• Sleeping bag
• Front and rear bicycle racks
• Splash-guard fenders

• Toiletry kit
• Binoculars
• Roughly more than 5 pairs of clothing including miscellaneous weather/protective gear.
• Tent

Within the next couple of weeks I’ll be getting a laptop and a small, HD video camera that will allow me to work on the road.

When I last left you, I stated that my main focus until departure would be preparing physically and mentally. And while I feel I am mentally ready, my training is not picking up as I would have liked. I am only cycling an hour a day now, which is less than I hoped for at this point. Yet, I’m not too worried because the essence of my trip will force me to travel anyways. Besides…what else would I do?

During this process of bringing all these new pieces in, I’m also taking a lot of stuff out. What I mean is that because I’m leaving Toledo, OH for at least five years, there are a lot of things that I need to get rid of. In a couple of weeks I’ll be donating the majority of my clothes, apparel, and books to Goodwill, while larger items such as my Bowflex and iPod stereo are being sold to help fund my trip.

In a couple of weeks I hope to show you my completed bicycle and maybe even post a video or two updating you on my status. Thanks for reading and always ask yourself, “Do I dare disturb the universe?”

1 comment:

Mandy Creighton said...

Great job releasing possessions. None of that "stuff" really matters in the long run :)

Let us know if you need any support or advice on what gear to bring. And have you been on yet?

Good luck!